PPG Minutes 6th December 2021




Minutes of the meeting of St Bartholomew’s Medical Centre, Patient Participation Group

Held on Monday 6th December 2021 at St Bartholomew’s Medical Centre

Present: Nargis Khan (Practice Manager), Johanna Hearle (Deputy manager) Dr Mark  Jennifer Darnley (Chair) Geraldine Coggins (Deputy Chair) Penny Faust, Lynn Degele.

Apologies: Phil Kelly, Marie Tidball, Paul Luff, Marina Jirotka, Anthony Wappner


Welcome, attendance and apologies

The low attendance was noted but it was agreed that discussion of agenda items could go ahead and reviewed at the next meeting. It was agreed that JD would contact one member who had been very active but not recently.


Minutes of the last meeting

Agreed to be an accurate record and passed for publication on the surgery website.


Matters arising



Annual Report

The annual report by the Chair and Deputy was presented.  There was a general discussion concerning the need to widen the membership of the group to be more alert to patient concerns.  The possibility was raised of reaching out to influencers in the wider community, such as the Asian Cultural Centre, Council hub members, local councillors or religious leaders. JD will draw up a draft document to explore ways of reaching beyond our current community representation.


Terms of Reference

The terms of reference were accepted as fit for purpose.  A further review can be considered in December 2022.


Priorities for the upcoming year

Recruiting a note-taker/secretary for the group. Exploring ways of extending membership or consulting with groups to be more inclusive (see above).  Following up members who had lost contact.  Considering post-Covid projects.


Any other business

Difficulties experience with repeat prescriptions via email was raised.  NK drew attention to other means of ordering regular drugs and said that emails should be replied to within 48 hours. 

JD thanked the surgery staff for hospitality in the practice premises.


The next meeting

The next meeting will be held via Teams in early February.  Date to be advised.


JRD 2021